Council for Community Development (CCD) is a nonprofit and non-governmental organization. It was established in the year 1999 and was registered with Social Welfare Department in 2002. CCD has been working with various United Nations (UN), National and international organizations like UNHCR, PDMA, GIZ, UNDP, UNICEF, Balochistan Education Foundation (BEF)/ World Bank, TVO, and Action-aid. CCD has implemented projects in various thematic areas like health, education, women rights, human rights, capacity building, skills development, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, livelihood, water and sanitation. CCD has carried out projects in many districts of Balochistan such as Quetta, Chaghai, Noshki, Washuk, Kharan, Panjgoor, Kech, Gwadar, Awaran, Killa Abdullah, Pishin, Jafarabad, Ziarat and Loralai. The organization has got strong working relations and linkages with the communities of these areas. Presently, CCD is implementing four projects in the remote areas of Balochistan like Chagai and Ziarat.


The organization aims for a prosperous society where people live a dignified life, having the basic facilities of life and have easy and equitable access to the resources and education. 


To improve the quality of living standard of the deprived, vulnerable and marginalized communities, women and children in particular, through the interventions in education, health, community physical infrastructure, skill development, capacity building, public health and WATSAN on sustainable basis.


  1. To promote gender equality by empowering women in decision making and ensuring their participation in development activities.
  2. To ensure that deprived and remote communities have access to the basic facilities of life.
  3. To take initiatives regarding Improving livelihood of the community by enhancing their skills on sustainable basis.
  4. The rural population gets easy access to the quality education and basic health services.
  5. To make sure that Poverty is significantly alleviated.
  6. Raising awareness among the community about improved public health practices CCD aims at halting and reserving the process of environmental degradation through integrated measures of rehabilitation/ conservation of natural resources and sustainable socio-economic development through active involvement of local people.


  • Equal employment opportunities for all without any discrimination.
  • Participation of community members at all stages of the development process.
  • To carry out development activities and bring social change through peace and tolerance.
  • To respect all the religions, diverse culture, mores, values and beliefs.
  • Participatory approaches for decision making
  • Believe and promote gender equality and gender equity at every level.
  • Maintain high level of transparency and accountability of resources.
  • Intervention of development activities at all regions, villages and communities without any discrimination.
  • To ensure collaboration, coordination and cooperation with other local, National and international organizations and social network.
  • To provide opportunities for learning and capacity building to the employees through trainings and refresher courses.


CCD focuses the following thematic areas:

  • Education
  • Health
  • Skill Development
  • Community Physical Infrastructure 
  • Post disaster Relief, recovery and reconstruction
  • Public Health
  • Social Mobilization and Advocacy
  • Research/Assessment/Study


Council for Community Development (CCD) has taken the line of Community Development, advocacy and lobbying, mass mobilization and awareness rising, to its goals. CCD does believe into participatory approach by involvement of community segments in all process from awareness rising to developmental activity with the essence of transparency and accountability.